Local telephone directory: 1023
International telephone directory: 10903
- At the closest airport, get directions and information from marked information counters
- Stay alert and keep an eye on your valuables and luggage at all times
- Store your valuables and passport in the hotel safety deposit box
- When you go sight-seeing, plan your route beforehand
- Use registered and qualified tour guides. Contact tourism offices for a list of qualified tour guides
- Look out for stray animals on the road
- In the event of an accident, contact the police and emergency services immediately
Ambulance: 10177 or (0)46 624 4240
Police: 10111 or (0)46 622 222
Fire Station: (0)46 624 1111 or (0)46 624 1140
Tourism Information Centres:
Hankey Tourism Tel: +27 (0)42 284 0543
Baviaans Tourism Tel: +27 (0)44 923 1702